Thursday, January 10, 2008


So Jim and I finished reading a book called The Message by the late Lance Richardson. It's about his near death experience. It was very interesting, and I would recommend it as a nice quick read. In it the author learns how important service is. His Spirit Paradise companions explain that service is the action form of love. So, Jim and I both realized that we need to try to do more to serve others.

Yesterday Jim was late getting home from work. When I asked why it had taken him so long he explained that he drove by a hitch hiker and wasn't going to stop. Then it struck him that maybe he could serve this man. So, he turned around, picked him up, and took him for some food at the near-by Flying J. Then Jim gave him all the money he had left in his wallet, and bid him good day. I was impressed that Jim would do something like that. I usually scoff at the hitch hikers around here, as there are A LOT of them. I also don't think I would pick one up, because I usually have Tralee in the car, but maybe there's something else I could do, like smile instead of ignore them. A smile can go a long way. Anyways, I just wanted to say that I'm grateful I have such a thoughtful husband. He's the kind of guy that ALWAYS pulls over when he sees another car in distress. I can't tell you how many times I've watched him push a car to the side of the road, helped change a tire, or helped jump a car's battery. He's just a nice guy, and I love him lots! That's probably why I'm able to serve him by cleaning his dirty clothes, cooking his meals, and rubbing his feet when he asks. He does a lot for me and Tralee too! I think I found myself quite the catch!!!

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